It’s estimated that 50% of people snore at some point during their life. Sleep apnea is a more serious, but also common sleep disorder. Snoring and sleep apnea are related. Many people who snore also have sleep apnea. But there are important differences. Why Is Sleep Apnea So Dangerous? Snoring alone doesn’t cause breathing to […]
Lack of Sleep Slows Reaction Time
Life in San Diego, like other places in California and around the country, is relentlessly fast-paced. In the course of a day, each of us makes thousands of quick decisions. Many of these are trivial: “Boxers or briefs?”, “White or wheat?”, “Paper or plastic?”, or “Call or text?”. However, some split-second judgments have significant consequences; […]
What is Dental Sleep Medicine?
What is dental sleep medicine? It’s a relatively new branch of dentistry that treats sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing problems. Don’t confuse dental sleep medicine with dental sedation or sleep dentistry. Dental sleep medicine treats sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a disorder where you have frequent, intermittent gaps in breathing […]
Do You Have Sleep Apnea?
What is sleep apnea? It’s a potentially health-threatening condition in which your breathing periodically stops while you sleep. We offer sleep apnea treatment at Marcos Ortega DDS in San Diego. How do you know if you have sleep apnea? Read through these common symptoms. They may help you determine if you need to go see […]
Can My Dentist Help Stop My Snoring in San Diego?
Partner can’t sleep because you snore? Is it finally time to work on finding a solution? Snoring in San Diego can result when the tissue in the back of the throat collapses onto the soft palate. This narrows the air passageway. As you breathe, this area opens and closes—with a noisy result. Now you’re probably […]