Many individuals have experienced an improvement in self-confidence with a dental implant treatment at Marcos Ortega DDS in San Diego. Nothing gives us more satisfaction than helping individuals dramatically improve their smile and overall self-assurance. We Offer The Latest Implant Options We provide the latest dental implants to correct dental problems and restore teeth. In addition […]
Why It’s Crucial To Replace Missing Teeth in San Diego
Some people who lose a posterior tooth question whether they should even replace it or not. After all, it doesn’t show when you smile and there are other teeth to take over the chewing functions. Why not avert the expense to replace missing teeth in San Diego and save some money? Actually, there are several […]
Missing Teeth in San Diego? Don’t Miss Out On A Beautiful Smile
If you have missing teeth in San Diego due to cavities, injury, or other reasons, there is hope for you. If your existing teeth are stained, decayed, or cracked, there’s nothing to worry about. Even if your teeth have always been misshapen, or crooked, there’s hope. Cosmetic dentistry can fix all of those problems. Cosmetic […]